Burn Process — SERGS

SSL Comms
1 min readNov 26, 2020

Dear Community,

You all should be aware about the 2.5% transaction fee, applied for every trades of SERGS. which flows into fee treasury. This fees are then recycled by liquidity providers and holders.

We highlighted that, burn function will be called every time fee treasury exceeds the 50K threshold.

Fee Treasury — 0x39b2d580aac73dc627ed63f3ab4b986934c18f8d

We are done with wave 1. wave 2 will follow up and so on.
Please find the information's below,

wave 1:

110K Accumulated in Fee treasury, 60K burnt to meet 50k threshold.


15K SERGS seeded into SERGS-ETH LP pool:


15K SERGS seeded into SSL-ETH LP pool:


Leftover — 20K (10K for SERGS holders and 10K for SSL holders)

wave 2:

Fees accumulated before burn — 20K
Additional Fee overloaded treasury — 15K
To be burnt — 35K

Remaining SERGS will be carried forward into LP staking pool and contracts will be re-initiated. Reserving 20K for holders.

Thank You !

